Monday Movie Reviews: The BARBIE movie: My Honest Review
Let me preface this by saying I am a mom. I have 2 sons and a daughter. I am coming to you as a mom through this review. Not as someone who is viewing this as a political statement... this isn't about who is right or who is wrong. For me this is creating a better future for my 3 beautiful children where they can be who they desire to be and not be knocked down for being a certain gender and/or race. This is about being better humans. We all have the rights to our own opinions on things and I just ask as I explain mine that you will hear me out, that you will be respectful of our page and if you feel you need to make any negative comments or even if you simply disagree. You can voice yourself in our comments. ALL comments are welcomed but if we feel threated or attacked the comment will be removed.
I have been seeing of late people's post on why not to take 'younger' kids to go see this movie and to be honest it's pg-13 for a reason so use your judgment before taking your kids to see it. I have come to the knowledge that our kids are being polluted with far worse on YouTube and even at school. I for one want to educate my children. Children are curious by nature and I would like to be a parent that can explain things to my best ability vs them going to an outside source. I try my best to keep it real for them not pushing them to one side or the other but explaining it so they understand and allow them to make their own choices.
Now on to the important stuff... Ryan Gosling ð I support this man and feel he did an amazing job being Ken... and the "Just Ken" song! ðð
I have noticed throughout the whole movie that some could see that Barbies were putting down the Kens and then the Barbie's didn't like it when the Kens tried to claim Barbieland. Oh, the irony in this.. today's society has us believing that the "patriarchy" is the issue. That it's because of "men".. for me I feel they portrayed Barbies in the same light they are basically just female versions of patriarchy.. where is the difference? Where is the change? Trust me, me being a female I have felt throughout my life moments when I didn't have equal opportunities to men however I don't want to push them down for it. I would prefer if we weren't trying to have power over each other. We are just humans with human emotions and sometimes that alone can be tricky. And another thing, Ken didn't know any better as to why "patriarchy" might not work in Barbieland. I feel if he was taught more about having a voice and the chance to be heard he would have known how to handle his emotions and communicate more of his needs. I feel this applies to all of us today, a lot of us are doing the best we can with what we know and yet people still try to knock each other down to gain the power. After everything there was one part that with the slightest of changes could show the change people so desperately want to see. When the Barbie President turn down the Kens when they asked to join the Barbieland Supreme Court, it made them just like their supposed enemy "the patriarchy." I feel in order to make a change we need to BE the change.. especially in the movies. Movies are very impressional form of art that people enjoy relishing in. It would have been a beautiful ending to see that they were willing to come together and make the changes for the better.
I for one want to be the change, not continue to do something that clearly doesn't work. We are just stuck in a continuous loop..I know that people show up how they know/taught to show up by those around them. If we don't approach the world as a learn opportunity for all parties involved I feel we will always be constantly be bumping each other's heads. We have to put down our unhealthy egos and just know we are ALL just humans trying to live the best life we know how to live for ourselves.
Speaking of living our lives for the end of the movie ðĪĢðĪĢ Barbie... Barbara, sweetie no one is ever that excited to see a gynecologist but you go do you! Maybe they could have put in bloopers of the after appointment lol or have bloopers in general. They are always amazing. It humanizes the actors and makes people laugh. Which definitely brings people closer together ❤️
HIGHLIGHTS FOR ME: ( Picture Disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to the pictures below they were found in a Google search and belong to the respected parties)
*Obvious the "Just Ken" song. Ryan gosling did an amazing job along with all the other kens!
* Ken's "Mojo dojo casa house " I loved how it was immediately available in the human world to buy lol ð
saw this meme on Facebook and just cracked up ðĪĢðð
#thenotebook good to know Ken got his HEA! ðĪŠ
*I like how Barbie starts gaining human emotions and feelings and seeing her process those feelings. That definitely humanized the movie to show the importance of human emotions and honor those feelings and honor where you are at in life.
* The Ken's riding in on their fake horses ðð total #montypython and the holy grail vibes for me. I loved it.
* Ken's sweater at the end " I am Kenough"
I think the "Kenergy" was the best part of the movie for me. However I do feel that it was a decent movie despite it not having the change I was hoping for.
3/5 for me. To be honest, I probably would only buy it to support Ryan Gosling ðð
XO, Bee
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